Examples of Content Ideas for Real Estate Agents to inspire your social feed

canva for real estate agents instagram real estate branding real estate marketing real estate video Aug 31, 2021


Picture this: It's the start of your workday, and you're eager to dive into your real estate business. However, as you sit down with your morning beverage and the kids off to school, you find yourself stuck in a rut. The question looms: What do I post on social media today to attract more followers? The struggle to find inspiration online consumes precious time, leaving you frustrated. But fear not! It's time to break free from this cycle and discover the content that truly resonates with your audience. In this blog, we'll explore seven powerful content pillars that will transform your social media feed, captivating your ideal clients and driving engagement.

Educational Posts: Teaching the Ins and Outs of Real Estate

Become a trusted source of knowledge by sharing educational content. Explain real estate terms, provide local market reports, and offer valuable tips to make the buying or selling process easier. Empower your audience with information that helps them navigate the world of real estate.

Behind-the-Scenes Glimpses: Unveiling the Real Estate Journey

Pull back the curtain and showcase the behind-the-scenes aspects of your work. Give your audience a glimpse into the daily life of a real estate agent—making calls to set up showings, researching homes, preparing listing documents, negotiating contracts, and celebrating successful transactions. This personal touch fosters authenticity and builds connections.

Useful Resources and Tips: Delivering Massive Value

Go beyond real estate and provide helpful resources and tips. Share a list of popular playgrounds in your area, highlight challenging golf courses, or inform your audience about local events. By becoming a go-to source for useful information, you position yourself as an expert in your community.

Connection Posts: Relating to Your Ideal Clients

Forge a deeper connection with your audience by tailoring your content to their interests and experiences. Ask open-ended questions that invite conversation, such as inquiring about the duration they've lived in their current home or their dream home aspirations. Show that you understand and relate to their desires and concerns.

Personal Storytelling: Revealing the Heart Behind Your Business

Share your personal story to create an emotional connection with your followers. Let them know who you are, what you stand for, and the reasons behind your passion for being a real estate agent. By revealing your authentic self, you'll inspire trust and resonate with potential clients.

Promotional Content: Showcasing Social Proof

Demonstrate your success and credibility by incorporating promotional content. Include customer testimonials that serve as powerful  social proof of your expertise and satisfied clients. The more evidence you provide, the more attracted people will be to your business.

Local Information: Establishing Yourself as the Local Expert

Educate your customers about your community's news and happenings. Become the local expert by sharing updates on local events, developments, and market trends. Position yourself as the trusted source for all things related to your town or neighborhood.

By incorporating these seven content pillars into your social media strategy, you'll craft a compelling story that keeps people coming back for more. Mix and Match these pillars to create a diverse range of engaging content. Share personal insights, educational tidbits,  useful resources, behind-the-scenes glimpses, promotional highlights, connection-building posts, and local information. Together, these pillars form the foundation of a magnetic social media presence, attracting followers and potential clients alike. It's time to ignite your social media with content that sticks, resonates, and drives your real estate business forward. Keep reading to discover five secrets to growing your traffic on Facebook and unlock even more potential for success.

Did you know that the Content to Closings program teaches agents a complete brand boosting marketing strategy with 1 on 1 coaching AND offers ready-made social media templates, Reels and nurturing content that is designed to deliver optimum results for your brand-building efforts. That means, the high quality content is created for YOU, strategically to level up your brand, and build trust with your audience, saving you tons of time. Easily post anytime, anywhere.


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