Social Media Sorcery: How busy Realtors® Conquer Time to Catapult Their Brand

instagram real estate agent marketing Jun 13, 2023


Hey there, fellow busy Realtors®! I know exactly what you're going through- balancing the demands of a thriving real estate career while being a super parent to your beautiful kids. Finding time for everything seems like an impossible feat, right? But fear not, because I've got some actionable & tactical tips to help you make the most of social media to grow your real estate brand, all while maintaining your sanity. Let's dive in!


Capitalize on Naptime

Ah, blessed naptime! Use this golden opportunity to your advantage. Instead of catching up on hold household chores or collapsing onto the couch (which we all deserve sometimes), dedicate a portion of naptime to engage with social media. Respond to comments, plan your content calendar, and schedule your posts using automation tools. Maximize this quiet time to boost your online presence.


Optimize Carline Moments & Extracurricular Activities

If you're like me, spending time in the carline and waiting for extracurricular activities to end is a regular occurrence. Transform those idle minutes into productive social media sessions. While waiting to pick up your little or big ones, respond to messages, engage with your audience, or brainstorm content ideas. With a few spare minutes, you can accomplish more than you think!


Early Morning or Late Evening Sessions

As Realtor® parents, we often find ourselves waking up early or staying up late to seize a moment of peace. Instead of scrolling aimlessly through social media during those times, channel your energy into productive content creation. Post to social media, record a quick video, send an email or design eye-catching graphics for your upcoming posts. Make the most of these quiet hours when your little ones are fast asleep.


Delegate and Outsource

Remember, you don't have to do it all on your own. Consider delegating certain tasks to free up time for social media. Hire a virtual assistant or enlist the help of a trusted family member to handle administrative work, research, or even scheduling appointments. Outsourcing these tasks allows you to focus on creating engaging content and interacting with your audience.


Embrace "Mommy/Daddy and Me" Content

Incorporate your kids into your social media strategy by creating "mommy and me" content. Share adorable photos or short videos of you and your little ones exploring new neighborhoods, visiting local attractions, or simply having fun together. This not only humanizes your brand but also adds a personal touch that with your audience.


Set Boundaries and Prioritize

We all know that mom/dad guilt can be real, but it's important to set boundaries and prioritize your time effectively. Establish dedicated periods for social media activities and stick to them. Communicate these boundaries with your family, so they understand when you need uninterrupted time to work on your brand. By doing so, you'll maintain a healthy work-life balance.


Use Social Media Management Apps

Harness the power of technology to simplify your social media efforts. Utilize social media management apps like Instagram, Meta Business Suite, or Later to schedule your posts in advance. Take advantage of their features to plan, create, and publish content seamlessly, even during your busiest months.


Leverage "Mom/Dad Groups"

Mom/Dad groups on social media platforms are an incredible resource. Join local communities where you can network, seek advice, and promote your real estate services. Engage in discussions, offer helpful tips, and share your expertise. By being an active member, you not only grow your brand but also tap into a supportive network of fellow moms & dads.

Time is precious. By implementing these tactical tips, you can curve out moments in your daily schedule to leverage social media for your real estate brand. Adapt these strategies to fit your unique circumstances and embrace the journey of growing your business while cherishing the beautiful moments of parenthood.

You've got this, superparent!


Did you know that the Content to Closings program teaches agents a complete brand boosting marketing strategy with 1 on 1 coaching AND offers ready-made social media templates, Reels and nurturing content that is designed to deliver optimum results for your brand-building efforts. That means, the high quality content is created for YOU, strategically to level up your brand, and build trust with your audience, saving you tons of time. Easily post anytime, anywhere.


Click Here to JOIN the next round of Content to Closings to elevate your brand and market your business.

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